Retrieve changes

Retrieve all changes made to the system in the current session.

URL: /changes

Method: GET

Query Options




to get only changes made by an author

Success Responses

Code : 200 OK

Content: [change] where change can be one of the following:

	"type": "string",
	"label": "string",
	"package": "string",
	"timestamp": "string",
	"author": "string",
	"sourceCode": "string"

And type can be one of the following:

  • "AddMethod"

  • "RemoveMethod"

  • "ClassifyMethod"

  • "RenameMethod"

  • "AddClass"

  • "CommentClass"

  • "RemoveClass"

  • "RenameClass"

  • "AddClassCategory"

  • "RenameClassCategory"

  • "RemoveClassCategory"

  • "AddInstanceVariable"

  • "RemoveInstanceVariable"

  • "RenameInstanceVariable"

  • "MoveUpInstanceVariable"

  • "MoveDownInstanceVariable"

  • "AddClassVariable"

  • "RemoveClassVariable"

  • "RenameClassVariable"

  • "RenameCategory"

  • "RemoveCategory"

  • "AddPackage"

  • "RemovePackage"

  • "RenamePackage"

Example:: retrieve changes made by guille, GET /changes?author=guille.

		"type": "AddMethod",
		"label": "Float class ≫ phi",
		"package": "Default",
		"timestamp": "2020-12-05T19:13:44.166-03:00",
		"author": "guille",
		"sourceCode": "phi\r\t^1.0 + 5.0 sqrt / 2.0",
		"className": "Float class",
		"selector": "phi",
		"category": "constants"

Last updated