Retrieve debugger frame

Retrieve the i-th frame withing the debugger with a given ID.

URL: /debuggers/{id}/frames/{index}

Method: GET

Success Responses

Code : 200 OK

Content: frame where frame is defined as:

	"index": "number",
	"label": "string",
	"class": "class",
	"method": "method",
	"interval": "interval"

Where class is the class of the receiver as defined here, method is the method associated to the frame as defined here, and interval contains the starting and ending positions of the current AST node within the source code.

	"start": "number",
	"end": "number"

Example:: 2nd frame of debugger with ID 1, GET /debugger/1/frames/2

	"label": "SmallInteger(Integer)>>factorial",
	"index": 2,
	"class": {
		"name": "SmallInteger",
		"definition": "Integer\r\tsubclass: #SmallInteger\r\tinstanceVariableNames: ''\r\tclassVariableNames: 'Maximum Minimum'\r\tpoolDictionaries: ''",
		"superclass": "Integer",
		"comment": "",
		"category": "Numbers",
		"variable": false,
		"package": "Kernel"
	"method": {
		"selector": "factorial",
		"class": "Integer",
		"category": "arithmetic",
		"source": "factorial\r\tself > 1 ifTrue: [^(self - 1) factorial * self].\r\tself < 0 ifTrue: [^self error: 'not valid for negative numbers'].\r\t^1",
		"author": "Jon Doe",
		"timestamp": "2018-10-26T12:37:22.459-03:00",
		"package": "Kernel",
		"overriding": false,
		"overriden": false
	"interval": {
		"start": 31,
		"end": 50

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