Retrieve profiler tree results

Retrieve tree results from the profiler with a given ID.

This tree structure reflects how the time spent is distributed among the different methods. This is the structure of a node:

	"label": "string",
	"method": "signature",
	"value": "number",
	"children": ["node"]


  • signature is the method signature (class>>selector), and

  • value represents the percent of time in that method

URL: /profilers/{id}/tree

Method: GET

Success Responses

Code : 200 OK

Example:: GET /profilers/1/tree (subchildren are omitted to avoid a senseless long example)

	"name": "100% (157) 10 timesRepeat: [Object allSubclasses do: [:c | c name size factorial]]",
	"method": "10 timesRepeat: [Object allSubclasses do: [:c | c name size factorial]]",
	"value": 100,
	"children": [
			"name": "54% (85) OrderedCollection>>do:",
			"method": "OrderedCollection>>do:",
			"value": 54,
			"children": []
			"name": "46% (72) Species>>allSubclasses",
			"method": "Species>>allSubclasses",
			"value": 46,
			"children": []

Last updated