Retrieve classes
Retrieve all subclasses of a given root class (if no root is provided, the uppermost class in the system is used). It is also possible get a tree-like structure as well as to limit the depth in the classes hierarchy.
URL: /classes
Method: GET
Query Options
the name of the root class
true to get only class names
true to get a tree-like structure
to limit the hierarchy depth (only when tree=true)
to get classes under a given category
Success Responses
Code : 200 OK
Content: [class]
where class
is defined as:
"name": "string",
"definition": "string",
"superclass": "string",
"comment": "string",
"category": "string",
"variable": "boolean",
"package": "string"
Example 1:: Integer
subclasses GET /classes?root=Integer
"name": "LargeInteger",
"definition": "Integer variableByteSubclass: #LargeInteger\r\tinstanceVariableNames: ''\r\tclassVariableNames: ''\r\tpoolDictionaries: ''\r\tcategory: 'Kernel-Numbers'",
"superclass": "Integer",
"comment": "I represent integers of more than 30 bits. These values are beyond the range of SmallInteger, and are encoded here as an array of 8-bit digits. ",
"category": "Numbers",
"variable": true,
"package": "Kernel"
"name": "SmallInteger",
"definition": "Integer immediateSubclass: #SmallInteger\r\tinstanceVariableNames: ''\r\tclassVariableNames: ''\r\tpoolDictionaries: ''\r\tcategory: 'Kernel-Numbers'",
"superclass": "Integer",
"comment": "My instances are 31-bit numbers or 63-bit numbers depending on the image architecture, stored in twos complement form. The allowable range is approximately +- 1 billion (31 bits), 1 quintillion (63 bits) (see SmallInteger minVal, maxVal).\r\rHandy guide to the kinds of Integer division:\r- / exact division, returns a fraction if result is not a whole integer.\r- // returns an Integer, rounded towards negative infinity.\r- \\\\ is modulo rounded towards negative infinity.\r- quo: truncated division, rounded towards zero.",
"category": "Numbers",
"variable": false,
"package": "Kernel"
"name": "LargeNegativeInteger",
"definition": "LargeInteger variableByteSubclass: #LargeNegativeInteger\r\tinstanceVariableNames: ''\r\tclassVariableNames: ''\r\tpoolDictionaries: ''\r\tcategory: 'Kernel-Numbers'",
"superclass": "LargeInteger",
"comment": "Just like LargePositiveInteger, but represents a negative number.",
"category": "Numbers",
"variable": true,
"package": "Kernel"
"name": "LargePositiveInteger",
"definition": "LargeInteger variableByteSubclass: #LargePositiveInteger\r\tinstanceVariableNames: ''\r\tclassVariableNames: ''\r\tpoolDictionaries: ''\r\tcategory: 'Kernel-Numbers'",
"superclass": "LargeInteger",
"comment": "I represent positive integers of more than 30 bits (ie, >= 1073741824). These values are beyond the range of SmallInteger, and are encoded here as an array of 8-bit digits. Care must be taken, when new values are computed, that any result that COULD BE a SmallInteger IS a SmallInteger (see normalize).\r\rNote that the bit manipulation primitives, bitAnd:, bitShift:, etc., = and ~= run without failure (and therefore fast) if the value fits in 32 bits. This is a great help to the simulator.",
"category": "Numbers",
"variable": true,
"package": "Kernel"
"name": "Integer",
"definition": "Number subclass: #Integer\r\tinstanceVariableNames: ''\r\tclassVariableNames: ''\r\tpoolDictionaries: ''\r\tcategory: 'Kernel-Numbers'",
"superclass": "Number",
"comment": "I am a common abstract superclass for all Integer implementations. My implementation subclasses are SmallInteger, LargePositiveInteger, and LargeNegativeInteger.\r\t\rInteger division consists of:\r\t/\texact division, answers a fraction if result is not a whole integer\r\t//\tanswers an Integer, rounded towards negative infinity\r\t\\\\\tis modulo rounded towards negative infinity\r\tquo: truncated division, rounded towards zero",
"category": "Numbers",
"variable": false,
"package": "Kernel"
Example 2:: Integer
hierarchy in the form of tree GET /classes?root=Integer&tree=true
"name": "Integer",
"definition": "Number subclass: #Integer\r\tinstanceVariableNames: ''\r\tclassVariableNames: ''\r\tpoolDictionaries: ''\r\tcategory: 'Kernel-Numbers'",
"superclass": "Number",
"comment": "I am a common abstract superclass for all Integer implementations. My implementation subclasses are SmallInteger, LargePositiveInteger, and LargeNegativeInteger.\r\t\rInteger division consists of:\r\t/\texact division, answers a fraction if result is not a whole integer\r\t//\tanswers an Integer, rounded towards negative infinity\r\t\\\\\tis modulo rounded towards negative infinity\r\tquo: truncated division, rounded towards zero",
"category": "Numbers",
"variable": false,
"package": "Kernel",
"subclasses": [
"name": "LargeInteger",
"definition": "Integer variableByteSubclass: #LargeInteger\r\tinstanceVariableNames: ''\r\tclassVariableNames: ''\r\tpoolDictionaries: ''\r\tcategory: 'Kernel-Numbers'",
"superclass": "Integer",
"comment": "I represent integers of more than 30 bits. These values are beyond the range of SmallInteger, and are encoded here as an array of 8-bit digits. ",
"category": "Numbers",
"variable": true,
"package": "Kernel",
"subclasses": [
"name": "LargeNegativeInteger",
"definition": "LargeInteger variableByteSubclass: #LargeNegativeInteger\r\tinstanceVariableNames: ''\r\tclassVariableNames: ''\r\tpoolDictionaries: ''\r\tcategory: 'Kernel-Numbers'",
"superclass": "LargeInteger",
"comment": "Just like LargePositiveInteger, but represents a negative number.",
"category": "Numbers",
"variable": true,
"package": "Kernel",
"subclasses": []
"name": "LargePositiveInteger",
"definition": "LargeInteger variableByteSubclass: #LargePositiveInteger\r\tinstanceVariableNames: ''\r\tclassVariableNames: ''\r\tpoolDictionaries: ''\r\tcategory: 'Kernel-Numbers'",
"superclass": "LargeInteger",
"comment": "I represent positive integers of more than 30 bits (ie, >= 1073741824). These values are beyond the range of SmallInteger, and are encoded here as an array of 8-bit digits. Care must be taken, when new values are computed, that any result that COULD BE a SmallInteger IS a SmallInteger (see normalize).\r\rNote that the bit manipulation primitives, bitAnd:, bitShift:, etc., = and ~= run without failure (and therefore fast) if the value fits in 32 bits. This is a great help to the simulator.",
"category": "Numbers",
"variable": true,
"package": "Kernel",
"subclasses": []
"name": "SmallInteger",
"definition": "Integer immediateSubclass: #SmallInteger\r\tinstanceVariableNames: ''\r\tclassVariableNames: ''\r\tpoolDictionaries: ''\r\tcategory: 'Kernel-Numbers'",
"superclass": "Integer",
"comment": "My instances are 31-bit numbers or 63-bit numbers depending on the image architecture, stored in twos complement form. The allowable range is approximately +- 1 billion (31 bits), 1 quintillion (63 bits) (see SmallInteger minVal, maxVal).\r\rHandy guide to the kinds of Integer division:\r- / exact division, returns a fraction if result is not a whole integer.\r- // returns an Integer, rounded towards negative infinity.\r- \\\\ is modulo rounded towards negative infinity.\r- quo: truncated division, rounded towards zero.",
"category": "Numbers",
"variable": false,
"package": "Kernel",
"subclasses": []
Last updated