Retrieve frame bindings

Retrieve bindings of the frame at a given index, within the debugger with a given ID.

URL: /debuggers/{id}/frames/{index}/bindings

Method: GET

Success Responses

Code : 200 OK

Content: [binding] where binding is defined as:

		"name": "string",
		"type": "string",
		"value": "string"

Where name corresponds to the name in the AST, and type can be temporary, argument or variable (for pseudo variables, instance variables, class variables and globals).

Example:: bindings of frame 1 in debugger with ID 1, GET /debugger/1/frames/1/bindings

		"name": "self",
		"value": "1 @ 2",
		"type": "variable"
		"name": "aPoint",
		"value": "10 @ 20",
		"type": "argument"

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