Run tests

Create and run a test suite.

URL: /test-runs

Method: POST

Payload: a suite given by:

	"packages": ["string"],
	"classes": ["string"],
	"methods": ["signature"]

Where signature is:

{ "class": "string", "selector": "string" }

These options can be combined in any way. For example, one single package, class or method, or a combination of them.

Success Responses

Code : 200 OK

Payload: even when the object representing the test run might vary from dialect to dialect, the response should contain the ID of the created run in order to follow its progress and request its results:

	"id": "string",
	"name": "string"

Where the name is the one given to the run by the backend and can be determined by the created suite (for example, the name of a test class).

Example:: running testAddDays from DateTest class: POST /evaluations

	"methods": [
			"class": "DateTest",
			"selector": "testAddDays"


	"id": "1",
	"name": "DateTest >> #testAddDays"

Last updated