Retrieve autocompletions

This endpoint is aim to provide a list of completion entries for given a piece of code, position and context (class).

URL: /autocompletions

Method: POST

Payload: The payload should specify this information like this:

	"source": "string",
	"position": "integer",
	"class": "string"

where class property is optional.

Success Responses

Code : 200 OK

Content: A list of completion entries, where each entry should have the following structure:

	"label": "string",
	"type": "string",
	"detail": "string"

where type is either class, method, variable or keyword (used for pseudo variables, true, false and nil). The IDE will use this information to style the list shown to the user.

URL: /autocompletions

Method: POST

Success Responses

Code : 200 OK

Example:: completion entries for the following code, position and class.

	"class": "Rectangle",
	"source": "m\r  self sc",
	"position": 11
		"label": "scaleBy:",
		"type": "variable"
		"label": "scaleTo:",
		"type": "variable"

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